Parampara Tales: Puppet show
One ticket required per kid.
One adult guardian may accompany the kid.
If registered in competitions and activities, then no separate ticket purchase is required.
Photography rights - By participating in the Puranava - Indian Heritage Fest Bay Area, you agree to let us use photographs of you and/or your work at the event for promotional purposes. Your participation also allows us to use your photos in our future print or online publications, social media posts, flyers or other promotional material and for historical documentation.
One ticket required per kid.
One adult guardian may accompany the kid.
If registered in competitions and activities, then no separate ticket purchase is required.
Photography rights - By participating in the Puranava - Indian Heritage Fest Bay Area, you agree to let us use photographs of you and/or your work at the event for promotional purposes. Your participation also allows us to use your photos in our future print or online publications, social media posts, flyers or other promotional material and for historical documentation.
One ticket required per kid.
One adult guardian may accompany the kid.
If registered in competitions and activities, then no separate ticket purchase is required.
Photography rights - By participating in the Puranava - Indian Heritage Fest Bay Area, you agree to let us use photographs of you and/or your work at the event for promotional purposes. Your participation also allows us to use your photos in our future print or online publications, social media posts, flyers or other promotional material and for historical documentation.